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Paragraph writers with a love for detail, realism, and immersion. 

We write less in groups or around those favoring the same.

Lore-abiding, lore-heavy, lore-appropriate.  


A character is a fictional creation and should never be seen as a reflection of the writer. 


What happens in character remains in character. Nothing is a personal attack against people behind the screen, nor is it intended to hurt or offend. The same can be said for romantic topics. Writing of a more intimate nature isn't an invitation.


OOC issues are not desired here. If they happen and are fair we will discuss them with maturity and reason. If things for some reason escalate, we will most likely remove ourselves from the situation entirely. Low tolerance for drama. 


Our characters are controlled by us just like your characters are controlled by you. Please always remember to use attempts in any action that could rob our characters of control unless you have been given permission to do otherwise. 


We do not write overpowered or fantastical characters. We enjoy realism and depth in ways that fit the universe, yet do not make our characters something extraordinary or special. We like things believable, will strive to give you that immersion and desire the same.


Anything information you read on this website most likely is not public knowledge. If you are unsure, send us a message and we will tell you what is acceptable to use IC and what isn't. We write solely from our character's point of view, they do not know all the things we do OOC. 


Sex happens between adults. It's not something create drama and fuss over. However, it is a topic that can lead to creepy situations if the OOC parties are not respectful and mature. If our characters find themselves in these situations, we will usually write and explore them. 


That being said, we have zero interest in any OOC blending or attachment beyond friendship. Please don't be weird just because some scenes might be a touch more mature than usual. 

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